Monday, March 1, 2010

A Plaint In The Night

A dolorous man sits alone
In a tenebrous oubliette,
Staring at his shadow
Cast by the lambency
From above.

Unable to recall why he was
Here, he sat, watching this
Figure of himself dance in the
Fading refulgence.

“I can hardly see you anymore,”
He confabulates to his silhouette;
“You were always there, helping
Me through it all, and now this
Darkness encroaches upon us.”

“You can leave anytime you want”
Came the susurrant reply of the 
Man’s profile; “just climb out, and 
Follow me;” the gloom then entrenches
Upon him, and his stygian ally
Vanished into the black.

He starts to reach for the exit, 
But the dark is heavy,
So heavy; he falls back to the
Earthen floor, smothered by the
Night; the small voice reverberates
In his head: “follow me”.

He began to frantically clamber
For the egress, yearning for
Scrambling for the portico 
Once more, he could feel the
Darkness, ferreting for him;
“Follow me,” came the murmur
Again, and the gloaming
Pulled ever harder;
However, he overcame
The murk, and circumvented
To the sanctuary above,
Where he rejoined his


  1. This is an amazing piece. Another vision of genius from your insanity. I love how you paint the picture in my mind with the words you speak. Amazing

  2. Absolutely LOVED this one!!!
